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Hi there! My name is Jessy Ismoyo and I currently make a living through writing. I believe that life is pretty much senseless unless you put meaning in every moment you live in. Starting from that point, I try to add some to mine with this project.


"Write It Forward"  is inspired from the movie Before Trilogy, and it works exactly like the scene in the movie "Before Sunrise."


To those who haven't watched the movie yet, let me tell you how it works. First, you give me a word, anything you like. Second, I'm going to write for you a poem. Last, if the poem is convenient, and brings meaning to your life, you should spread out the words about this project and please do invite people to join this project. Quite simple, right? You give me a word, I give you a poem in return.


If you have thought in mind to contribute, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thank you!



Jessy Ismoyo

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